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June 22, 2017

Up to the test? – New test center for wind turbine main bearings

In order for a wind turbine bearing to be as effective and durable as possible, it must be tested thoroughly. This is not always an easy task, with few facilities having the capabilities to put large-size bearings through their paces. SKF recently built and opened the world’s most powerful test center for this purpose.

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May 31, 2017

A smooth operation – The importance of lubrication in turbine bearings

Wind turbines are among the most reliable of power-generating technologies. When they do break down, however, it is often due to poor lubrication of the gearbox bearings. Proper lubrication can keep a turbine operating reliably and efficiently. Finding the right oil – and system with which to apply it – is vital.

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May 8, 2017

Black oxide bearings – Improve wind turbine reliability and performance

Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs can constitute up to 25% of a turbine’s levelized energy cost over its lifetime. Technology that helps reduce maintenance and downtime is therefore crucial. In the previous article of this two-part series, we examined four of the most common bearing failure modes. This time, we will look at black oxidation – an effective solution to improve operational reliability.

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May 8, 2017

Machine meteorology – Big data #2: Boosting output with artificial intelligence

Big data is enhancing operations and maintenance (O&M) in the wind power industry. By harnessing insights gleaned from this explosion of information, companies optimize turbines to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Yet as effective as statistical models are, the intermittency of wind is inescapable. This calls for a solution that allows turbines to learn from and adapt to changing conditions autonomously.

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May 5, 2017

Turbine insights from afar – Effective remote monitoring solutions

Get the most out of your wind turbine data. Find out how SKF WindCon, SKF @ptitude Observer, and SKF Remote Diagnostic Centres help you prevent downtime, improve maintenance planning, and reduce operating costs.

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May 5, 2017

Bearing reliability – Top 4 bearing failure modes in wind turbine gearboxes

The reliability of bearings has a profound impact on wind turbine operating costs. But as the parts are often subjected to a wide variety of operating conditions, they may fail when they are pushed beyond their limits. In fact, in the past, as many as 80 percent of wind gearbox failures were caused by faulty bearings. Here are the top four main failure modes.

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May 4, 2017

The future of O&M – Big data #1: Driving operations and maintenance

Alongside new technologies and business models, modern trends like digitization and the Internet of Things are producing unprecedented amounts of information. This phenomenon – known as big data – is having a profound impact on almost every industry. And the wind energy sector is no exception.

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April 27, 2017

Onwards and upwards – Manage wind farm maintenance through the cloud

As the wind energy industry grows and technology develops, so too do the challenges that operators face. Effective asset management is crucial for enabling a wind farm to run as efficiently as possible. Cloud solutions allow engineers to keep their maintenance under control and operate productively.

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April 27, 2017

R&D: The sky’s the limit – How wind turbine components are tested

Constructing a wind turbine is a complex procedure, with many safety standards and levels of certification that must be met. Before a product can be released onto the market, it must go through numerous stages of testing and development. This article explains the processes a new piece of machinery must go through and why this is important.

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