Which way is the wind blowing? – Emerging trends to increase component service life
A key wind turbine bearing has failed and needs replacing. But the faulty component is over 100 meters in the air and encased within the structure. Repeatedly repairing or replacing it is not a sustainable option. The question is, how can the lifespan of these components be increased while reducing costs? Here are some of the emerging trends within the industry.
An automated action plan – Optimizing wind turbine performance and analysis
With wind turbines producing a remarkable amount of performance data, analyzing this for faults or issues can be a time-consuming task. But significant investment is being made into tackling this challenge with a particular focus on automated analysis.
Better with age? – Older turbines present a valuable opportunity
A large number of wind turbines have been in operation for many years, leading to inevitable wear. At face value, this may be considered problematic – but on closer inspection, aging wind turbines could present a world of opportunity.
Don’t throw caution to the wind – Taking a statistical approach to wind turbine O&M
Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs represent a large portion of expenditure for wind farm operators. Failure to implement an effective strategy may result in increased costs or machinery failure. For this reason, it is important to take a statistical approach.
Wind O&M market set to soar – Findings from the 2017 Service Market Survey
The experts have spoken: A survey carried out at the 2017 SKF Wind Farm Management Conference has indicated that the global wind operations and maintenance (O&M) market is expected to grow by around 15% by 2020. Read on to discover what the findings of the poll could mean for the wind industry.
Back in action – Remanufacturing old gearboxes
As a wind turbine gearbox reaches the end of its life, operators have a decision to make: dispose of it in a scrap yard or have it remanufactured. SKF provides wind farm operators the opportunity to have their deteriorated gearboxes repaired, or even upgraded – maximizing availability and reducing lifecycle costs.
A smooth operation – The importance of lubrication in turbine bearings
Wind turbines are among the most reliable of power-generating technologies. When they do break down, however, it is often due to poor lubrication of the gearbox bearings. Proper lubrication can keep a turbine operating reliably and efficiently. Finding the right oil – and system with which to apply it – is vital.
Bearing remanufacturing – Reducing costs by refurbishing old bearings
Not all old parts have to be replaced. SKF bearing remanufacturing services can extend service life – so you can reduce lifecycle costs and environmental impact.
White etching cracks examined – Facing the challenge of premature bearing failure
White etching cracks are a symptom of bearing failure. SKF researchers and application engineers discuss how to tackle the challenges and reduce the risk of this failure mode.