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November 22, 2017

Testing reaches new heights – SKF test center is setting new industry standards

In July 2017, the Sven Wingquist Test Center was opened in Schweinfurt, Germany. The aim of this project was to improve current testing software and standards and to develop more reliable large-size bearings. The facility is up and running and providing the wind power industry with a unique service.

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November 20, 2017

Adjusting to the extreme – How engineers can deal with challenging conditions

An increasingly volatile climate and powerful winds are an endurance test not only for people, but also for machines. But what would appear to be a disadvantage could actually be a significant opportunity for an entire industry – at the very least for those whose wind turbines can withstand extreme conditions.

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Wind News
November 15, 2017

Showcasing wind energy – SKF to promote solutions at WindEurope 2017

On November 28–30, 2017, SKF will showcase a range of products and services at WindEurope in Amsterdam. The key industry event is a hotspot for professionals to build on their knowledge, network, and help determine a vision for the future. What can you expect at the event?

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Wind News
November 6, 2017

Wind in the spotlight – It’s nearly time for a leading wind power event

On November 7–9, 2017, Warnemünde, Germany will play host to the 26th Windenergietage (Wind Energy Days). Many international wind power companies will exhibit. SKF will present about the opportunities of aging wind turbines and proactive maintenance. But what else can visitors look forward to?

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Wind News
November 2, 2017

Video: Let’s talk – The current situation in the wind power industry

As an investor, what can one expect from the modern wind power industry? The sector is going through a period of rapid change. New products are continuously being introduced that make wind energy more efficient and profitable. However, this also presents challenges.

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October 25, 2017

Setting the bar high – How benchmarking supports wind turbine maintenance

A wind turbine may be functioning and producing energy. But how do operators know that their machinery is performing well in comparison to industry standards? And how can they roadmap and target increased operational performance? Benchmarking has the potential to provide the answer.

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October 18, 2017

Which way is the wind blowing? – Emerging trends to increase component service life

A key wind turbine bearing has failed and needs replacing. But the faulty component is over 100 meters in the air and encased within the structure. Repeatedly repairing or replacing it is not a sustainable option. The question is, how can the lifespan of these components be increased while reducing costs? Here are some of the emerging trends within the industry.

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October 11, 2017

An automated action plan – Optimizing wind turbine performance and analysis

With wind turbines producing a remarkable amount of performance data, analyzing this for faults or issues can be a time-consuming task. But significant investment is being made into tackling this challenge with a particular focus on automated analysis.

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October 4, 2017

What’s trending in wind? – Predictions for market trends in wind power

Wind energy is becoming increasingly important to our society. As a result, the industry is changing – and so is the market and the opportunities that it presents. We take a closer look at emerging market trends in wind energy and what implications these might have.

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