Thunderbolts and lightning not very frightening – Tornadoes: a different story?
Wind turbines are by design engineered to withstand various weather conditions, but as proven in a recent event that took place in the heart of the American Midwest, nature’s most extreme events can still pose significant challenges.
Blowing in the right direction? – European policies stirring debate
Wind energy accounts for 19% of Europe’s electricity consumption, with nearly all the continent’s wind turbines being manufactured domestically. This is supported by an extensive supply chain comprising over 250 factories across almost every EU Member State, providing employment for 300,000 people throughout Europe. But despite these formidable achievements, the sector is at a critical juncture.
Blowing strong – The evolution of German wind industry
The wind energy industry in Germany embodies a blend of technological innovation, environmental commitment, and economic development. This article will highlight its significant milestones and challenges and delve into how government incentives and public support are positively shaping its landscape.
Something in the air – A big win for German wind?
An event to redefine the landscape of renewable energy? That remains to be seen. What is certain is that Germany’s wind industry has taken a giant leap forward, as a record-breaking auction win blows fresh life into the sector.
Wind power expansion – Coming soon to Iceland
In Iceland, a stiff breeze blows almost all day – yet there are hardly any wind turbines. That could soon change. Energy Minister Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson has set up a task force to clear the way for wind energy.
The energy transition’s missing link? – A subsea solution for “dark lulls”
Representing an important milestone in the energy transition, the 623 km NordLink submarine cable recently went into operation to transport green electricity from Germany to Norway and back.
Together towards the energy transition – Cross-border alliances to boost offshore wind
Europewide, there is a growing desire for an energy transition, as many nations increase their onshore and offshore wind energy resources. But why are countries making decisions independently when the EU offers incentives for cross-border collaboration? This article reveals three projects, which show how international teamwork can look.
The global race to green – The world on course for carbon neutrality?
Boris Johnson has ambitious plans to supply every home in the UK with offshore wind energy by 2030 – at an estimated cost of 50 billion pounds (55.8 billion euros). Meanwhile, Denmark is equally determined to become climate-neutral by 2040. But what is going on outside of Europe?