Birds steer clear – Study in Norway finds zero collisions at floating wind farm
A two-year monitoring study at Norway’s Marine Energy Test Center has revealed that no bird collisions occurred with its TetraSpar floating offshore wind turbine. This milestone study sheds new light on the compatibility of floating wind turbines and bird populations, a concern for both renewable energy advocates and environmental groups.
Leading the charge – Most notable wind farms of 2024
Many wind farms are pushing the boundaries of technology, minimizing environmental impact, and boosting energy production. Here’s a closer look at five that stood out last year.
Wood you believe it? – Wooden turbine blades
Imagine a modern wind turbine with blades made of wood, spinning gracefully against the serene backdrop of rolling hills and open skies. This vision is now a reality thanks to Voodin Blade Technology, a company that has just installed its first prototype of 19.3-meter wooden wind turbine blades.
Go big or go home – The incredible power of Dongfang’s 18 MW turbine
Chinese state-owned Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC) has recently installed an 18 MW offshore wind turbine, claiming it to be the most powerful in the world. This significant installation took place at a coastal wind power test base in Shantou City, Guangdong Province. Here’s what sets this turbine apart from others.
Holding the line – Seals for wind turbines
Although they might not get as much attention as other high-tech components, seals in wind turbines play an important role in keeping everything running smoothly. This article looks at why seals matter and the differences between molded and machined ones, so you can make the best choice for your turbines.
Smooth operator – How lubrication keeps turbines spinning strong
One of the challenges in maintaining wind turbine efficiency is ensuring proper lubrication of its parts. Without it, key components can wear out prematurely, leading to costly repairs and downtime. SKF offers advanced lubrication systems designed specifically for wind turbines, helping operators keep their turbines running at peak performance.
Sensing the future – Why wind farms should use predictive maintenance
By leveraging IoT devices embedded with sensors, advanced data analytics, machine learning, and other technologies, predictive maintenance is significantly enhancing the wind energy sector. But what exactly prompts the sector’s key stakeholders to adopt predictive maintenance in their operations?
Next-level monitoring – New IMx upgrade now available
The SKF IMx-16W-K – Upgrade kit brings a boost to wind turbine monitoring, ensuring they run longer, perform better, and remain cost-effective. Here’s why you should consider upgrading your existing IMx system.
The evolution of wind turbines – Balancing size and efficiency with next-generation gearbox bearings
The quest for renewable energy has led to significant advancements in wind turbine technology. A key trend in this sector is the development of larger turbines, driven by the need to capture more wind energy and generate more electricity. This growth, however, presents unique challenges, particularly in maintaining the efficiency and compactness of essential components like gearbox bearings.