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February 14, 2019

Maintenance in a new light – SKF to give presentation on performance-based contracts

Maintenance programs could be about to get an overhaul. Typically, operators would manage wind turbine performance and maintenance themselves or choose certain aspects to outsource to different providers. Performance-based service contracts may offer a preferable alternative. Raf Kerkofs from SKF is set to present on this topic at Wind O&M EU 2019.

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November 13, 2018

System reboot – Remanufacturing lubrication systems as a new trend

Remanufacturing in wind energy is a relatively new phenomenon. When remanufacturing is mentioned in the sector, most would associate the process with bearings. But the remanufacturing trend is gathering speed and lubrication systems are the next component identified as an area where operators could significantly reduce costs.

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June 3, 2018

Bearing the burden – The leading causes of wind turbine bearing failures

Wind turbine functionality is highly reliant on fully operational bearings. However, these components undergo significant strain and deteriorate. Fully understanding failure modes in turbine bearings can be a challenge. But there are ways to reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.

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June 2, 2018

Digitized inventory – Optimizing spare parts management with software

Many operators order replacement parts on an item-by-item basis. This can be effective but does have limitations since the performance of the total system is not understood when considering items in an inventory individually. Innovative software may hold the key to fine tuning stock levels and expenses on spare parts and ensuring wind farms always have just what they need.

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February 28, 2018

A smart approach to spares – Harmonizing a maintenance and spare parts strategy

Planning maintenance and having the right inventory is often a challenge. Operators can end up with too much capital invested in stock or not enough to perform repairs in a timely manner. However, adopting best practices and the emergence of Logistics 4.0 present clear opportunities for cost reduction.

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February 6, 2018

An untapped source – The role of big data in the wind energy industry

Big data is taking its hold on the 21st century. We are seeing its prominence in all areas of society. But the wind power sector seems to be somewhat behind. Why is this, and how can big data contribute to the industry achieving its ultimate goal of improving the levelized cost of energy?

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Spare Parts Warehouse for OEM parts
January 12, 2018

A fine balancing act – The importance of correctly managing spare parts

When managing spare parts stock, companies face a significant challenge: maintenance requirements vs. financial resources. This can be a difficult task as mismanagement of either can have serious consequences. So what can operators do to ensure they have this under control?

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December 19, 2017

Pinpoint delivery – Lubrication technologies for wind turbines

Maintaining wind turbine reliability is one of the main challenges facing the industry. Without correct lubrication for key components, there is always the risk that operation could grind to a halt. Fortunately, there are various options available to help avoid this.

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October 25, 2017

Setting the bar high – How benchmarking supports wind turbine maintenance

A wind turbine may be functioning and producing energy. But how do operators know that their machinery is performing well in comparison to industry standards? And how can they roadmap and target increased operational performance? Benchmarking has the potential to provide the answer.

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