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May 12, 2022

100% recyclable – just a dream? – What’s new in recycling worn components in the wind industry?

Every part of a wind turbine is recyclable... almost. One of the few components that pose a problem are rotor blades. To help tackle the issue, researchers from companies all over the world are trying to find a solution, and it might not be so long until they do. On top of that, it could be that other industries benefit too.

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Wind News
New heights for German hydrogen: How northwest Germany scores big wins with hydrogen
May 2, 2022

New heights for German hydrogen – How northwest Germany scores big wins with hydrogen

The German government’s National Hydrogen Strategy highlights the significance of hydrogen in the energy transition. This scheme has been bolstered by a major project in the north of the country, which also underlines the importance of close cooperation between wind farm operators and hydrogen producers.

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How far can drones support turbine maintenance?
April 21, 2022

Inspecto-drones – How can drones support turbine maintenance?

Drones are fast, agile, and make light work of reaching high altitudes. But that doesn't necessarily mean they will revolutionize wind turbine maintenance overnight. Incidentally, we are still waiting for the big drone breakthrough in the industry. When is it going to happen?

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Why hybrid offshore farms are making waves
April 7, 2022

No room? No worries! – Why hybrid offshore farms are making waves

In western Europe, the seasons are fairly predictable. Winds are higher in winter. Whereas in summer, the sun is out more often. While this might sound like stating the obvious, it is for this reason that a 16-company-strong consortium is planning to build the first hybrid offshore park off the Belgian coast.

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A new era for gearbox bearings: How innovative rolling bearings are enabling changes in the wind industry
March 30, 2022

A new era for gearbox bearings – How innovative rolling bearings are enabling changes in the wind industry

The wind industry is in a fierce race to reduce the levelized cost of energy to become competitive with other energy sources. New developments in rolling bearing technology allow to reduce the drivetrain weight which significantly reduces the costs and even increases the power. This allows to increase the onshore turbine sizes within the limitations for transport.

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grease for wind turbine bearings
March 28, 2022

Grease is the word – Lubrication Part 1 – Selecting the right lubricant for wind turbines

Wind farm operators count on a long and trouble-free bearing service life. The right grease is crucial for this, but lubrication requirements differ depending on the bearing type and area of application. What do operators need to consider when selecting one that is right for them?

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Towards Testing 4.0: How SKF helps shape the future of wind energy
March 23, 2022

Towards Testing 4.0 – How SKF helps shape the future of wind energy

The demand on wind turbines is increasing. It is the same for the roller bearings that enable their smooth operation. These bearings must withstand ever-higher loads, moments, and harsh conditions, while still increasing efficiency and reliability as demand rises. To help companies meet these challenges, SKF analyzes large-scale roller bearing behavior under extreme and real conditions at the Sven Wingquist Test Center.

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SKF REP: Keeping wind turbines spinning
March 17, 2022

Keeping wind turbines spinning – Why artificial intelligence alone is not enough

The goal of every operator is to get the best out of their wind turbine. But the methods it takes to reach that singular goal are many. That's where SKF Rotating Equipment Performance comes in – a tailor-made service for your needs.

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Gearbox performance needs and how to meet them
March 14, 2022

Demands on modern turbines – How to meet gearbox performance needs

The wind energy sector continuously works to make electricity production more efficient. We are seeing a rise in offshore installations as well as in areas with low winds. The challenge: designing wind turbine components that can withstand these harsh conditions.

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