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Joining forces – Wind and hydro synergy in Northern Portugal

Portugal is going to embark on building its largest wind farm early next year. The wind farm will be part of the Tâmega hydropower complex, one of Europe’s most significant hydro projects completed in the last 25 years.

The Portuguese government has greenlit a new wind farm project led by Iberdrola, to be integrated with the Tâmega pumped-storage hydro complex in northern Portugal. With a capacity of 274 MW, this exciting development will generate enough power to supply approximately 128,000 homes annually.

The project has successfully cleared a key hurdle by securing environmental approval from the Portuguese government. This endorsement, known as the Decision of Environmental Conformity of the Execution Project, marks the second and final environmental permit necessary for the project to proceed.

The integration strategy hinges on using the existing grid connection at the Tâmega complex, thereby maximizing the efficiency of the connection point. According to Iberdrola, the synergy between wind and hydro technologies will optimize output and production, ensuring a robust and reliable energy supply.

By leveraging the existing infrastructure of the Tâmega complex, such as roads and facilities, the wind farm also aims to reduce its ecological footprint. Additionally, Iberdrola is committed to enhancing the local ecosystem through a suite of environmental measures.

These initiatives include:

  • Continuing the efforts already established at the Tâmega complex to foster local biodiversity.
  • Planting fruit trees, restoring ponds, and installing nest boxes to support bat populations.
  • Implementing programs to monitor and protect local wildlife, including bats, wolves, plants, and natural habitats.

With environmental approval secured, the next phase for Iberdrola involves applying for a production license from the Portuguese Directorate General of Energy and Geology. The energy giant’s objective is to commence construction in early 2025, setting the stage for Portugal’s largest hybrid clean energy scheme.

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